Tuesday, March 01, 2005

REASONS… (C’mon Matt, I know you’re singing to yourself!)

This semester, I’m taking English 103: Creative Writing at GCC. It took me 3 tries to get into this dang class! Attempt #1: I tried enrolling on February 1st at 4:00, which was my enrollment window and it wouldn’t let me add the class because there is a freshman English class pre-requisite. I was like, c’mon let me in! I have my bach already! I was asked to fax my UCI transcripts to the academic counselor’s office (weird looking at that thing. Still can’t believe it took that F in ChemEngr 40, my 4th semester in college, to get me to change my major) and they gave me clearance shortly after. Attempt #2 seemed almost successful because I enrolled in their STARS (kinda like UCI “Tele” or UCLA “URSA”) easily, paying my tuition and fees via Mastercard. That was until the day before classes when I checked online to see what room I had to look for that first day of school and my enrollment for Spring 2005 WAS BLANK! WTF! But I would not waiver! I went to class that first day, got an add-card signed and enrolled the next afternoon. I had bought my textbook and journal and I was all ready to write like a monster for 16 weeks.

But wait I need a parking permit! I sat there in my car last night at the parking lot across the street from school where they have metered parking. Unfortunately, since it’s the lot closest to campus (I REFUSED TO PARK ALL THE WAY UP THIS HILL, WITH A STAIRCASE 4 STORIES HIGH w/o a permit at the risk of getting a ticket) it gets fullest fastest. But, again, I would not waiver. I sat there, waiting in patient anxiety and watched car upon car race angrily out the lot. It’s so funny because I was staring at this one particular car on my left and said to myself, "I want THIS space!" ‘Lo and behold, 25 minute later, a lady walks up to this car, gets in SO I SIGNALLED! Patience really works sometimes I guess.

Why, why has it been so hard to settle in this semester? Iya suggests that maybe it’ll make me appreciate this class more. Second day today, we’ll see. So far the hardest thing I’ve had to do since I started is maintain a journal. Our professor specifically asked us to take ours wherever we go and write whatever and whenever we feel like it. Now when something happens I don’t know whether to do an entry in my class journal, my REAL journal which I keep by my bed or MY BLOG! Hahaha…oh what a dilemma, Anna. =)

Happy March everyone! WAIT! Didn’t we just celebrate new year’s day?

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