Thursday, March 31, 2005


So is it possible to get a workout if you’re not in the gym, not jogging outside or not sweating to a video at home? My answer is a definitive HELL YEAH! Last weekend was proof of that because a bunch of us participated in a group work-out as we helped Cile transform her room from the confused Strawberry Shortcake Shrine/transitional young adult dwelling to a sophisticated budois for the rising artist that she is. The weekend barely grazed STEPS 1, 2 & 3 of many more to come, but man what a transformation already!

When I got there Saturday night, Cile’s room was cleared! I’ve never seen her room so empty. The carpet had been ripped off the floor and thrown into her balcony and, ‘lo and behold, what lay beneath her raggedy old used-to-be mauve carpet? Hardwood floors! Cile and Carlo came back to the house with a rented sander from Home Depot and it was then that the make-over REALLY began!

After the holes on the walls had been filled in and thereafter dusted, and after every single staple and nail on the floor had been agonizingly extracted, the sanding began. Wowie what a difference! That Sunday, after the 2nd coat of primer had settled in, we painted the walls green and haven’t looked back since.

I know Cile entrusted Melissa and Leia with her new bedroom furniture so I can’t wait to see the final results of our collective efforts. Here’s to new ambiance!

Check out our pictures on the link “WEEKEND WARRIORS.”

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