Thursday, January 20, 2005


What makes a songwriter take a combination of words and music to create a heartfelt melody of love or woe? What causes a composer to hear a tune in their head and turn it into the musical score that commands the emotion of a film? What exactly is it that enters the mind of a novelist, journalist or poet that causes them to write epic tales, poignant real life stories or poetry that may one day be analyzed by scholars? What allows the mind of an artist to take photos, paint images and sculpt figures that will someday be displayed in a museum, a living room or coffee table book?

No creative mind is without their muse, their source of inspiration. The simplest things can compel the mind to create wondrous works (like the stacks of hay that inspired one of Monet’s most popular paintings) just as much as the most discouraging and painful experiences can (the Vietnam War-inspired musical Miss Saigon).

I’m amazed at the level of reverie that hearing a sad song can bring, even if you can’t relate to it. Por ejemplo, there’s a song that’s played during the holidays called, “Christmas Shoes” about a boy, rich only in his love and concern, trying to buy a pair of shoes for his fatally sick mother before she goes to “meet Jesus.” He doesn’t have enough money to purchase them and he's standing in the store trying to figure out what to do. Every single time my sister and I hear that song we’re like, “Give him the damn shoes!!!!” It brings tears to my eyes every single time I hear that song and I always wonder if the songwriter really experienced this situation.

I love being inspired! It's always so much more helpful when one isn't trying to force imagination! I always carry a notebook with me in case I have to write something down at a random time (like during jury duty, when I’m sitting in church or eating at a restaurant; sometimes even when I’m half asleep in bed). Inspiration has no sense of time I guess. When you feel it, you’re like a runaway train; and you have to try to keep up with it (picture me typing or writing like a maniac) before it’s gone. I have the worst short-term memory so sometimes I get scared I’m gonna forget it. But when I can get everything down, it’s the most awesome feeling!

I hope your days are filled with as many muses as mine have been blessed with, especially lately. Inspiration is a gift! Pay attention or it might pass you by.

My 7th grade teacher, Mrs. V, always used to tell us that there is no greater source of inspiration than the Holy Spirit. She gave us this prayer and asked us to pray it before every moment of doubt or fear (like a test). Try it sometime...

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your spirit and they shall be created, and they shall renew the face of the earth. Oh God, who does instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Holy Spirit a love that is right and just and a constant enjoyment of these comforts through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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