pride ['prId]
a sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect; pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, possession, or association
Synonyms include: dignity, ego, ego, honor
“Panda fans, we’re here today, to welcome you in a special way. Side by side in unity, we’ll be the best that we can be!”
Hilarious! As happy-go-lucky and cheery as I was, I never pictured myself in a varsity cheerleading uniform…and CAPTAIN of all things! We did a lot in 3 years as a squad, from lowly JV scrubs, to Varsity prestige...well, sort of.
We attended Clipper Spirit cheer clinics where we got to perform at halftime, we had practices galore, went to competition, cheered for our teams (see Cheryl in her basketball uniform? Hahaha!) and just had a great time!
We weren’t as hardcore as the Rancho Carne Toros or the East Compton Clovers (we're an all-girl school for sobbing out loud), but we had fun! School pride - it’s a difficult thing not to catch on to. The cheerleading uniform just added a ceremonial effect to it. Watching Cheryl and our bball team killing another school on the court (“Take it away DEFENSE!”), or cheering on our volleyball team (“S-S-S-I-D, S-I-D-E-O-U-T, SIDEOUT! PANDAS!”), in addition to leading the pep rallies, are things that will forever and always bring a smile to my face.
“People in the front, let me hear you grunt – UH! People in the back, show us where it’s at! RIGHT HERE! People in the stands, let me hear you clap your hands – clapclapclap PANDAS! Clapclapclap PANDAS! Clapclapclap PANDAS! ONE MORE TIME!”
That's me in the panda suit. I swear, if our yearbook moderator wasn't one of my favorite teachers and if I wasn't so proud of my school, I would NOT have agreed to do this for the sports title page. Oh panda pride, you're quite the manipulator.
Ana, you are too hilarious...thank God no one from MY high school does that, he he he.
I didn't know you and Iya were cheerleaders! And that panda suit is really nifty. ;)
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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