Monday, August 30, 2004

** It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm tired but I gotta blog about this girl. Congratulations again on your engagement!

Getting to know...

Vitals: I met this wonderful gal during my junior year at UCI. I can’t remember if it was because of Kaba, PCN or the bookstore. Either way it was sometime between 1998-1999 = 6 years and counting
Role In My Life: The One Who Loves Life and Everything and Everyone In It – EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE should know someone like Noreen…Actually, now that I think about it, everyone SHOULD JUST KNOW Noreen. She radiates a very rare combination of optimism AND realism. There’s ALWAYS a bright side and a lesson to be learned when it comes to this 3rd/4th grade teacher. With Noreenie, there’s always a reason why something happens the way that it does and as difficult or scary as it is to deal with, she never despairs because she’s got such an amazing amount of faith in God and the people who surround her. Her genuineness shines through every single time in the process. By the way, this girl’s got a singing voice that would knock Kelly Clarkson out of the American Idol box! Man can she sing!
Good Times: Our days with DAYS…I had known Noreen for 5 years before I really got to know her. It’s because of Days With The Lord that becoming better friends with this pleasant girl has been made possible. Our first retreat together, where curiosity and fear turned into discovery and strength, was the time when I realized exactly how much I could learn from her. Our second retreat, as staff members, was just comedy. It took 5 hours for us to get to Deer Springs on a Friday night (This is up the mountain towards Big Bear) because we spent half the evening with Kay and Jei driving around Orange County searching for tire chains and picking people up at their houses or the airport!
In her own words: “Oh I’m so lucky talaga…Thank you soooooooo much…Thank you Lord for this day…” Noreen is always so grateful for everything and she NEVER misses a chance to tell you exactly how thankful she is for something you’ve done for her, how much she misses you or how much she cares for you.
** Check out her blog (link on the left) and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.

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