Monday, August 30, 2004


Friday night was pretty random. Cile and I drove down to Irvine (which I personally haven't done in....FOREVER!) to share in a few celebrations at the Corner Office. I can't believe I saw everyone that I did. If I saw you on Friday and you're reading this, IT WAS AWESOME TO SEE YOU!!! After a late late dinner at Norm's with Leia, Fantone and Cile, us "LA chicks" headed home.

On the ride home, Cile was getting kinda restless and uncomfortable in the car so after about 45 minutes into the drive she says, "Anna, I'm gonna take off my bra." So she does the PE changing thing and slid the bra out of her tank top. About 10 minutes after I dropped her off, Cile called me, "Anna, did I leave my bra in your car?"..."I'm not sure, " I tell her, " but I'll check when I get home. Where did you put it after you took it off?"...She responds, "On my lap." So I suggested that maybe it fell off her lap when she got out of my car by her driveway. She said she went to go check but it wasn't there. I got home, checked under her seat and the side door and nothing.

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon: I drove into Cile's driveway to pick her up for dinner. "Did you find your bra?" I yelled out the car window as she made her way to the passenger side. Before she opened the door, she crouched down quickly and bolted upright just as fast. She lifted her left hand and held up her bra, "HERE IT IS!" Her bra had been there, by her driveway, next to her neighbor's front lawn all night friday until 6:15 pm Saturday afternoon when I came to pick her up. Oh Cile...

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