Sunday, January 04, 2004

Getting to know...

Vitals: Riann was a wee little gal when we met. She lived one door away from my grandparents, which is MY house now. My room used to be HER room = about 12 years and counting
Role in my Life: Active Listener - Sometimes when you're divulging your deepest emotions to people, you can tell they're just nodding their heads to appear as though they're listening when they're not. Riann is one of the sincerest listeners I know. Most of the time, she's the one encouraging ME to talk, and it's not because she's bored. It's because she wants to help.
Good Times: Turbo Kickboxing at 24-hour fitness (or any day we decide not be lazy asses and work out) is always a party when I'm with this girl. We know when to encourage each other on the stairclimber and when to say, "more sit-ups?...nah."
In her own words: " Ate Lengy, it's okay to feel."

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