Thursday, August 28, 2003


so umm, britney spears and christina aguilera just performed with madonna on the vma's. as iya would say, "what the heeck?" so iya and i were on the phone tonight watching the beginning of the show. someone came up singing LIKE A VIRGIN, lifted up her veil and we were like "what the hell it's freakin' britney spears!" then someone comes out from the bottom of the staircase and iya's like, "is that ashanti?" and i'm all, "naw her boobs are too small." then SHE lifts up HER veil and we're like "WOH IT'S CHRISTINA FREAKIN' AGUILERA!!!" AND THEN MADONNA FREAKIN' KISSED THEM!! we were not expecting THAT! it's 2 and a half hours later and I'm still like woh...shocked...

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