Wednesday, August 27, 2003

it's almost midnight and I AM BEAT! i actually got myself to drive to the gym to work out tonight. 6:45 pm i tell myself, "you will work out for at least an hour dammit!" and that i did. i even stuck around turbo kickboxing (TKB) class for 20 minutes (riann they're on freakin' round 17!!!). i started with 10 minutes of stretching with BLISTER IN THE SUN blasting through the headphones, then TOO MUCH BOOTY IN THE PANTS and beyonce's GOTTA WORK IT OUT carried me thru 10 minutes on the stairclimber. at this point I AM PUMPED! so i head to the treadmill for 15 minutes, walking briskly to the sounds of black sheep's THE CHOICE IS YOURS, xtina's DIRRTY and sean paul's GET BUSY. by this time i'm debating whether to stop in on TKB at 7:30 or just use the machines. so i work my arms a bit and at 7:25 i say, okay, maybe for a little bit. so i hop into class, watching the "cool kids" standing right by the platform, kissing ass to our instructor james, and i know what they're thinking as they stare at the not-so-fit people in the class: i am SO what these people should strive to be. i hate to think this but i know it's true. don't get riann and i started on faux pauxs at the gym. you'll be laughing for days!

oh! i went to BEST BUY during my lunch today and i bought LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS!!!! i'm excited cuz there's a 10 min preview of RETURN OF THE KING. i'm a hundred pages away from the end of the third book and i absolutely cannot wait to see how the third installment will look on the screen. aaahhhh EXCITED!

it's getting late and i should go to bed. my sister is freakin' hilarious! she's trying desperately to fall asleep cuz it's her first day of 8th grade tomorrow and she needs to wake her ass up at 6:15 am even though she's grown so accustomed to getting up at 11 am! seriously though, i'm excited to see what the year will bring to her. her teacher was MY 7th grade teacher and it's a little hard for me to believe it's been 11 years since i graduated from that place. and now here's tin, in her last year of elementary school. a year from now she'll be in high school.... and when she graduates then...I'LL BE 30!!!!!!!!! the only conselation here? WE'LL ALL BE THIRTY! ha ha ha...that's better. oh man, like sands thru the hour glass....

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