Friday, August 22, 2003

you'll probably get the same kinda entry from cile and joe cuz the three of us, including riann, had dinner at revolving sushi tonight. i already ate a little bit for dinner but saved some room anyhow in hopes that cile or iya would call to finalize our plans for a meal at the great CHO CHO SAN. what is it about this place that draws people back? the restaurant is literally the size of my bedroom and it's murder to get seated in a timely manner sometimes, so much so that extreme hunger can often take over and turn you into this ravenous creature. but oh when you sit down and gaze at the sushi treats on the conveyor belt, you suddenly forget everything, thanking heaven you waited 45 min outside in the cold (or heat) to get a chance to be here. am i exaggerrating? not even in the least. just ask REVOLVING SUSHI's #1 fan: CECILE MARIE FORTUN TECSON, who will drive from work in santa monica and back at 9 in the evening to have some spicey tuna.

so i was talking to cile before dinner tonight and poor thing was just worn out at work and distressed over the fact it was 8:30 pm and she STILL had to return to the "office" and finish up more projects. i admire this girl more than anyone will ever know and it is because of her resiliance that she is where she is. yes she's tired and yes she's under pressure at work, but i know it's okay because this is something she's passionate about. that's what i've been looking for in life, something to be passionate about. i haven't been passionate about a darn thing in YEARS and i've been searching just as long for SOMETHING, ANYTHING that'll give me back some kind of definition again.

so cile posted an entry today about how things happen for a reason and sometimes we just have to accept things as they come, figure out what we can learn from it and apply it towards our next goal. instead of ACCEPTING things, i've been complaining my brains out, settling for what i believe is all i am capable of attaining in life and when all is said, i'm still left with nothing but more complaints cuz i'm too afraid of trying and even more petrified of failing. SCREW THIS! i'm tired of complaining about how unfair my life is, that it seems like i'm the only one getting cheated out of a promising career or relationship. i've discovered this past week exactly how unfair life can be, especially if i LET it play out unfairly. so i'm gonna do something to defy unfairness: more knowledge. the more you know, the better off you are. so iya and i are taking some classes at glendale community college this fall. we're taking an accouting class together (oh the excitement). at least i'm being active. it's a long way to the promised land of satisfaction, but all great journeys begin with a single step....

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