Thursday, September 30, 2004


Who has seen this movie? I seriously think that I’m one of the last people in the world who hadn’t seen it…until tonight. Edwin loves this movie and every single time we mention it he always raves about what a great movie it is. It can be characterized as a chickflick, yes, because, it IS about a chick, but it’s a movie about so much more than a chick and her problems.

I had a free rental at Blockbuster this month so I decided to finally grab this dvd and decide for myself what I thought about it and the verdict is…I loved it! It’s one of very few movies out there where the ending (at least to me) is actually not as predictable as others can be. I won’t kill it for the few who may not have seen it yet, but it just makes you put things in perspective. We have a million moments everyday, each one undoubtedly affecting the next. And…you just never know how 1 second of your day can affect you a year from then.

Do I believe in predestination? Yes, actually I do. Do I believe in the free will we’ve been taught that God has given us? No doubt. You wonder how one can believe in predestination and free will at the same time. I think that every single time we practice our free will, we’re setting up our destiny. This choice will cause this, and that choice will cause that. We’re all destined for SOMETHING. But WE truly are the makers of our own destiny. And the weirdest part is, we don’t know what that is. Confused? Yeah, me too if I think anymore about this.

Anyhow, Sliding Doors totally makes you think, kinda like that “what if” factor we always talk about. "What if I had just gone to UCLA instead of UCI?" or "What if I had moved away instead of staying here?"...all these sources of wonderment. But I think that everything happens for a reason, everything…from the most seemingly trivial instances and decisions we encounter to the most “life-altering” experiences. I can’t stop saying or thinking this, but you just never know…

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