Friday, December 09, 2005


Today was the feast of the Immaculate Conception. A holy day of obligation, it's the day Catholics commemorate the beginning of Mary's life. Her birth was a miracle to her mother, St. Anne, who, despite getting on in years, kept faith that God would bless her with a child. A child she was given, Mary, who was the only one ever born without original sin. At the risk of going off on a tangent, I'm gonna stop the religion lesson here and talk about my mass experience tonight.

I couldn't make the 5:30 pm mass because I had to pick up my sister from school and then drop her and my mom off at home. By the time I get to mass, I will have missed the readings, the homily and would've been unable to take communion so I'm like why bother? So I decided to attend the 7 pm mass...EN ESPANOL.I understood, for the most part, what was going on because it's still mass, just wasn't conducted in English. I was kind of sad, though, because (I know Larnie can share my feelings on this) I love singing in church. Yes I love singing in the shower and in my car, but when I sing in church, I feel like there's a purpose, a true audience, THE ONE AUDIENCE. Anyhow, I only know ONE church song in Spanish called, "O Maria, Madre Mia" which we learned in elementary school. The whole mass I was like, if they play that song, I'll freakin' laugh.

Communion comes around and what do they start singing? O MARIA, MADRE MIA! I laughed from my pew until right before I got to the altar. I can't believe they actually sang it! Hahahaha...Too bad I only remember the first two lines of that song! Booo!


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