Wednesday, November 19, 2003

"You're Justh Jealousth" - Mark Wong

yeah, i was jealous today and let me tell you why. so before we get our midterms back our teacher gives us this whole lecture about if you haven't done well in this class, please consider dropping and taking it again or study harder and do extremely well on the final, etc. so all of us are thinking, "oh crap, we must've done horribly on the midterm for her to be talking like that." so she goes on to say that we all did fairly well, and out of a possible 200 points, one person got a perfect score + the extra credit making their score 205 points! no it wasn't me (i wish). it was IYA!!! (sorry randy. i only got 185.5/200. i haven't upped iya ONCE this semester. i know you're disappointed in me. hee hee hee...) so yeah, IYA GOT A FREAKIN' PERFECT SCORE ON THE MIDTERM AND SHE GOT THE EXTRA CREDIT POINTS SHE DIDN'T EVEN NEED CUZ SHE'S GETTING LIKE AN A+ IN THE CLASS!!!!!!! AND THEN, when we were going over the test i'm writing in corrections with a black pen to study for later and iya turns to offer me her red pen. WHY CUZ YOU DON'T NEED IT MISS I GOT A HUNDRED? WHY DON'T YOU JUST SAY IT! YOU SUCK AT ACCOUNTING ANNA! hee hee hee...THIS IS FUN! (randy where are you when i need to gang up on iya?) hee hee hee... i'm just playing, girl, friend.

but oh, what a geek! =) no, in all honesty, this girl is the only person i've been extremely jealous of since the day we met but can't help loving to death. why is this? maybe cuz she doesn't flaunt her success with everything in my face (except for the red pen incident that is...i'm kidding, i'm kidding). anyhow, i made a lot of careless mistakes on that exam. i second-guessed myself in practically all of the items i got wrong. never again. always go with your 1st choice!

ok that's it. i've made 3 different entries today. i might not have anything more to blog about at work tomorrow if i continue this.

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