Monday, June 09, 2008

finale [fi-nal-ee]
the last piece, division, or movement of a concert, opera, or composition; the concluding part of any performance, course of proceedings, etc.; end
Synonyms include: closing, conclusion, ending, finish

We've had a shining star in our midst the last few days - my (and I use this term loosely) baby sister, Tin. This last year of high school has not only been a busy one for her, but for everyone who cares to witness all the things that matter to her right now. Basketball games, meetings, awards nights - we've all had our share these last 4 years. But this past week was special.
Last Wednesday, we were treated to Tin's Senior Awards Night. My parents have always wished for us to do and be our best, never telling us to be doctors, nurses...American Idol winners, haha; they worry when we fall short, but never fear we won't go the distance eventually. They're happy when we're happy with our work, and rejoice when we are recognized for it. Tin was recognized a few times last Wednesday, and my parents have yet to stop beaming.
On Friday night, Tin had her baccalaureate mass at St. Finbar. As a pre-dominantly Catholic community, Providence High School took this time to gather all the graduates and their families for mass to thank God for the last 4 years of school and to pray for the continued success and safety of every student. Each graduate presented their parents with a rose as a sign of peace and thanks and I swear my mom was fighting back her tears.
Sunday morning was the day that my sister and her friends had been looking forward to for years. Bittersweet though graduations are, the anticipation and excitement in the air never fail to embrace those whose lives are turning yet another corner; and this afternoon, it was Tin and her 144 friends who were anointed Providence alumni and baptized college students.
For me, there are no words left to channel joy. I asked for a younger sibling when I was little, to play with, to be a big sister to, etc. That's all a sibling was for me back then - an accessory to have at my disposal. Today I have a younger sister, who is so much more than a playmate. She is a young woman, talented, intelligent, kind (except when she's around her Ate Riann and Ninang Tin), hilarious, voted "Everyone's Best Friend," and though a pain in the rear sometimes, is someone I'm very proud of.

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