Sunday, February 17, 2008

remember [ri-mem-ber]
to retain in the memory; keep in mind; remain aware of; to have (something) come into the mind again
Synonyms include: recall, cite, recollect

Speaking of celebrating life...This morning we found out that my Lola Turing had died in the Philippines. My grandfather (mom's dad) passed away in 2003 and with his death left Lola Turs the last living sibling. She was 2 years older than Papang.
I got to spend some time with her when I went home to the Philippines back in 2001. Lola reflected on the last time she saw me (I was 4 years old, 1982) and I listened to her recount details that, though I couldn't remember so clearly myself, somehow conjured up images in my head which I knew in my heart were real memories. She owned a shop in our town of Cavite City and mom took me there often when I was little to put on a show for Lola and her customers. I have pictures of myself standing on the store's counters entertaining everyone who came in. I thought I'd get to see her at least one more time but God had other plans. My grandfather and all their siblings (there were 10 of them!) must be happy to be reunited.

Please keep my Lola's soul in your prayers...

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