Saturday, February 16, 2008

celebrate [sel-uh-breyt]
to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities
Synonyms include: bless, exalt, commend

I'd been wondering since last year how I was going to spend my 30th birthday. I knew I didn't want to spend it driving for 2 hours so I requested a day off and what a great decision that was. Instead of sitting on the 101 at 7 am, typing away for 8 hours, then sitting again on the 101, I opted to start my 30th birthday morning at Burke Williams spa in Pasadena. And what luck, I didn't have to celebrate alone because Jovi thought she'd party with me too. =), she just wanted an excuse to ditch work. hahaha!
So we both spent the morning at the spa, getting our deep tissue massages and taking advantage of facility amenities like the sauna, steam room, mist room, showers and all the citrus water we wanted! We followed our morning of pampering with lunch at Cheesecake Factory and walked it all (well, most of it) off as we strolled up and down Colorado Blvd shops. HOW FUN!! Thanks, Joves!
After a wonderful day in Pasadena, I went to mass with mom and Riann. I couldn't let the day pass without thanking God for letting me reach this milestone! For dinner my family and I had some chinese food at a local restaurant because, what better way to celebrate than with some pan fried noodles, walnut shrimp and mongolian beef?! Chocolate cake at the house followed! MY FAVORITE!
The next day I got to sleep in a bit because I had another appointment with Dr. Addiego (my podiatrist. Tendonitis is almost all gone!). The drive to work was quick as it was 10:30 by the time I left Glendale and when I got to the office, I walked into this:
My co-workers took advantage of my day off and completely covered my cubicle in signature Laker purple and gold! I guess seeing me reading the sports section of the L.A. Times every morning in the kitchen and possibly catching me on when I should be on excel helped them out with a theme for decor. =)
I was cracking up all the day. Pictures of all the players were taped and tacked all over my cubicle wall and they even managed to change my desktop wall paper into the Lakers' February game calendar.
What a wonderful birthday I had! Thank you everyone for all the textes, calls, voicemails, emails, messages, IMs, hugs and gifts!!! This is one blessed 30 year old!!!

1 comment:

Toni said...

That was so sweet of your officemates! What a great surprise. :D