Wednesday, October 06, 2004


These are all pictures from the wonderful day that Ate and I spent in Disneyland. This was the last visit on the Olympic swimmers' "Swim With the Stars" tour and we were lucky to have found out about it when we did. Ate and I were Olympic fanatics this past summer (in case you didn't already know) and the swimming events were the icing on our Greek cakes! "U-S-A! U-S-A!" Michael Phelps, Ian Crocker and Lenny Krayzelburg looked like the nicest guys who just happen to be Olympic Medalists. I'm awed by their resilience and discipline (among other things =) and Ate and I couldn't freakin' believe how close we were to them today!!! Hundreds of kids ditched school today to be there and that's what cracked us up the most cuz they were there with their parents! ha ha ha...After that we just spent a very chill afternoon at the Happiest Place On Earth eating our cotton candy and frozen banana. Thanks again Ate!!!

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