Monday, December 29, 2003

As the Jingle Bells Fade...

Here we are, no more than 2 days before the end of another year. We can use up all the colloquialisms we can think of related to the passage of time ("Oh how times flies...Like sands through the hour glass" know what I mean), but I don't think we can ever really explain time's expedience. Where DOES all that time go? For a second I was a 5 year old child being pulled on a wagon by my classmate; then a new big sister at 12 years old; all of a sudden I'm a college graduate and NOW, all my friends and cousins are getting engaged or getting married! aaaaaahhh...are we there?...

...random...cheryl and i are on the phone right now talking about dvd's and our fetish for them. we both agree that it has reached an out of control level. When you're holding a dvd in your hand at Best Buy and you can't figure out if you've already bought it, then you know you've made it to the point of no return. ha ha ha...i'm tired, time for bed...

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