Sunday, September 14, 2003


we celebrated riann's 23rd birthday at HOWL AT THE MOON in City Walk last night. She sat on top of the piano and reinacted the LIKE A VIRGIN video in front of the audience and then a couple hours after that she was hurlin' into a plastic bag out on the terrace. as the boys would say, "It was gret!"

so i read the last 85 or so pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix saturday morning and i wanna talk about how i feel but i think it would give it away for those who wanna read it. i cried...cuz now i don't know what to do with myself!!!...until the 6th book comes out that is. no but seriously, i teared quite a bit at the end. i asked iya if i could borrow her A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN cuz it's a classic i've never read before so after i finish this other book i was in the middle of before i started RETURN OF THE KING, i'll tackle that classic.

ok time for bed...

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