Saturday, September 13, 2003


iya and i spent friday night at BARNES & NOBLES doing our accounting homework. hot single gals really workin' it aren't we? anyhow, right before it closed, matt and rochelle came to meet us and the four of us headed to coffee bean to meet up with stacy and edweeen. edwin came without stacy cuz apparently she has a midterm to study for so he left her at his house. so the 5 of us sit in front of coffee bean in burbank, a place we often find ourselves on weeknights when we can't stay out too late with work the next day but still feel the need for some friendly company. anyhow, for awhile we're shooting the breeze, going over the recent goings-on in our lives and then we come to a most interesting subject: childhood memories...or in rochelle's case, childhood trauma.

it all started when bobbers said how kids freak her out and of course we laugh at her like she's crazy. why would kids freak anyone out? and she responds, "cuz they're so honest." here began bobbers' stories of traumatic stress as a child, recounts of boys in elementary school who bullied her cuz she was small, someone who tried to strangle her (and this same boy incidentally became my classmate in elementarty school too), and then this one little boy who gloated after she lost an election to him, and two little boys she overheard call her ugly when she was in the 4th grade! TERRIBLE!

then matt remembered how ryan kinda bullied him around freshman year in murphy, and this girl in elementary school who used to take iya's lunch money, and this boy in the 4th grade who when i walked past him in class claimed "damn anna! you're meaty!" you might as well have called me fat, asshole! and then we looked at edwin...edwin WAS a bully (actually still is and is fortified more than ever when he's got allies like joe tag-teaming on everyone) and he made life for this one girl awful in elementary school cuz he called her a horse all the time.

oh man, what we would all give to get back at those who wronged us huh?

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