Wednesday, December 31, 2008

faithful [feyth-fuhl]
true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.; steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant;reliable, trusted, or believed
Synonyms include: allegiant, devoted, genuine

11:45 pm, Friday, December 26th...
"Hey you two, time to say goodnight," some of us said.
"OK," Rochelle said. "Night, Baby!"
Last hug and kiss.

"Night, Baby!" Matt said back.
The boys set out of the bridal suite and closed the door. Not 2 seconds later, Rochelle ran back, the door flew open and she yelled out into the hallway, "Night, Baby! I love you!"
"I love you too, baby!" yelled Matt.
The door shut a second time, and behind it a little girl with a huge smile on her face. The next morning she woke up as if the the smile had yet to waver.
"I'm the bride today - yay!" Rochelle was saying all morning. A typhoon couldn't ruin this girl's day.

I know I've spoken about Matt and Rochelle before; how long I've known them, how I was there when they met (I'll take credit for this union, thanks very much), how much I love them both. Since their engagement, I'm not sure anyone close to them could hide our excitement. If there were any one couple whose wedding we couldn't wait to witness, it was Matt and Rochelle's. When the buildup for something huge seems even bigger, you worry about disappointment, but for this, there was just no letdown to be had.

Forget the veil that seemed to have an affinity for the ground, forget the freezing weather, or the thousand and one factors to remember on any wedding day. Matt and Rochelle would not have it. Like the song they so happily danced to, "It's like I waited my whole life, for this one night..." our new Mr. & Mrs. Mindanao lived that day for everything they've prepared so many years for and we were fortunate to be there when it finally happened.

I was a crying hot mess any chance I got to be, of course. I felt like I was watching my brother getting married, and to this wonderful woman who I get to call friend, and who I now get to call my cousin-in-law or, all things considered, my sister-in-law truly.



Unknown said...

Thanks so much sister-in-law!!! I love that!!! We truly are FAMILY now!!! =) Your writing and picture-taking skills are truly AMAZING!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Please send my love to Rochelle. :) Best wishes!!!

And happy new year Anna :)