a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc.
Synonyms include: anniversary, breakthrough, landmark, turning point
We have countless opportunities in life to achieve milestones. The first word you speak as a baby, your first day of school, your first job, first kiss, your first time out of the country - basically anything that involves the word "first" can be considered a milestone. Young love, a first (and hopefully only) marriage, at our age, has been a milestone celebrated time and again these past few years. Ryan and Ann, my goodness, when I think of them now and remember them then, I have to smile. Talk about love meeting great timing! In less than 2 months they're going to be husband and wife!!
And we can't forget birthday milestones. My Uncle Joe celebrated his 70th birthday yesterday! A retired naval officer, he and my Auntie Nit have raised 13 children, not to mention even more grandchildren! These cousins of mine are some of the hardest working, fun-loving individuals you will ever meet. My uncle was, still is, quite the old-fashioned strict father and grandfather. No alcohol is even allowed at family gatherings at his house! It's true that these days, his eyesight is compromised and he's not as quick-footed as he was as a young sailor man (I love seeing those pictures of him in the uniform!), but he's as quick-witted as ever.
Last night we also celebrated Annie & Will's 30th birthdays. There's a whole mess of people getting to this milestone this year. We had dinner at Tokyo Wako at the Pike in Long Beach. Our chef was so much fun to watch and so personable as he prepared the food in front of us. Orders ranged from filet mignon, grilled salmon, scallops, prawns and teriyaki chicken. (I'm getting hungry just thinking about i!) And to finish it off, we all had some yummy tempura ice cream! It was hilarious because if it's your birthday, you get to dress up in a kimono and wig while they sing to you. Annie and Will were all about it! I've looked up to Annie since I met her. That Big Sis of mine, I love her to death! And Will, freakin' Nurse funnyman. He doesn't talk a lot, but when he opens his mouth, something hilarious always comes out. I I watched them last night, how much they're looking forward to as individuals and together and it's comforting. 30's going to be great time in life.
And the cutest milestone of all? My niece Samantha's 1st year! She just turned 1 this summer and, oh my goodness, I could spend the entire day playing with her! She's so well-behaved, hardly cried as she sat in the swarm of people and deafening cackles around her. She fussed for maybe 5 seconds until I gave her my fan to play with. When adulthood feels like crap, I get so envious of a baby's life! 1 year old is definitely a place in my life I wouldn't mind re-visiting every so often.
I was thinking of all the moments in my life which I felt were significant in shaping the person I've become, and I came across these words:
"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." - Rose Kennedy
Here, then, is to many more moments!!
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