Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I realized today that I have an amazing gift. Without very much effort, and without anyone's help, I find more and more innovative ways to SCREW MYSELF!

I had one of those days today: a paper due at 6:30 pm...still typing at 6:25 pm. I got the assignment 2 weeks ago and didn't sit to think of and then plan out the subject matter until 5 days before the due date. When I finally decided what to write about, I wrote haphazzardly like I was blogging, waiting until 2 days before the assignment is due to email the instructor for help, which brought upon an opportunity for him to advise me to interview people on the subject. Interview? Really? But the paper's due in two days. TOUGH COOKIES, ANNA, SHOULD'VE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU WAITED UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO WORK ON THIS THING!

So I did brief interviews (thanks Ate, Annie and Ate Cyn!) and then set to solidify my angle, my piece. The time was then 1:45 am Tuesday morning – today. With eyes ready to hit the ground, and a body aching from 8 hours of senseless stress, I couldn't fight the fatigue and opted to email the paper to my work address so I could work on it while I, well, "worked." I should've known what kind of day this would be, having failed to blow-dry my hair in the morning because of course I woke up too late to do anything to it.

When I got to work this morning I checked my office email to start tweaking my paper and discovered in complete horror that the Microsoft Works file doesn’t covert to Word easily and instead of the 900+ words I had labored on the night before, I was staring at squares and other geometric characters that seemed to be laughing back at me. Oh, it had been a long morning. So what else could I do but cry? I cried (via email) to Cheryl, Iya and Chris for help. Thanks guys! I ended up rushing home during my lunch (thank good ness I only live 4 miles/10 min away) re-emailing it, then working on it, then working on it some more before Fernand came to pick me up, then working on it some more when we got to campus.

Our next project asks us to write a HOW-TO article. I think my headline’s gonna read: HOW TO BE YOUR OWN VICTIM. It’s due in two weeks. For research purposes I SHOULD procrastinate again, but for sanity’s sake, I think I’ll start it today.

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