Friday, November 30, 2007

process [pros-es]
a systematic series of actions directed to some end; a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner
Synonyms include: action, course, measure, procedure

Last night I spent an hour or so helping Tin fill out her CalState college applications - ONLINE! Remember when WE had to do our college aps? We went to the post office and MAILED them - CERTIFIED! Now there's barely any paper exchange. It's insane!

So she's gotten her public university applications out of the way, next comes the slew of private university applications that ask for so much more! She has to ask for recommendations from her teachers, she has to write an essay and then she's got to complete her portfolio (she wants to major in graphic design). I remember this process oh so well.

For our CalTech applications (I know, what the hell was I thinking?!), Iya, Rochelle and I were literally scrambling to finish our essays on New Year's Day because our applications had to be postmarked January 2nd! As if trying to get into that school wasn't heartache enough, seeing as to how my chemistry teacher absolutely refused to write me a recommendation because he didn't want me to go there. I cried out of frustration to my college counselor, but I can only thank Mr. Maben now for helping me dodge that bullet!

What would have happened if, by some divine intervention, I actually got accepted?! My admission into a mental institution probably would've been imminent! The thought of me attending the 2nd best engineering school in the nation (next to M.I.T. of course) is so absolutely ludicrous! I'd have a better chance of turning into a dinosaur than getting into that school!

Anyhow, I ended up where I was supposed to (U! U-C! U-C-I!!!) and my only hope is that, public or private, Tin's college experience will be as memorable and meaningful as mine was.

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