Friday, October 26, 2007

persevere [pur-suh-veer]
to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly
Synonyms include: endure, stand firm, pursue, carry on

Fr. Joe should get an award for his timing - honestly. He never fails to have the right things to say at the right time. This past Sunday he spoke for 15 minutes about one word...persevere. We often hear it in stories where victory or relief is achieved despite the adversity. "Through it all, they persevered" is how the stories usually end. But this sermon had a slight twist. It wasn't just about perseverance through hardship; it was perseverance through prayer.

He said that people often confuse prayer for magic; that we sometimes make a request through a few prayers and expect results instantaneously. Not that seemingly unanswered prayers are said in vain. It's just that, the result or the granted wish is not the point of praying. It's the experience we undergo during the action; the turning to God and the strengthening of our faith, the hope that whatever happens will be for the best. P.U.S.H. Fr. Joe said.

Pray Until Something Happens

So we don't always get the results that we hope for. So we don't get what we think we want or need. I read somewhere that:

Not getting what you want is God's way of telling you that He has something better planned.

God has a plan - got it!

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