Tuesday, July 03, 2007

trauma [traw-muh]
an experience that produces psychological injury or pain; the psychological injury so caused Synonyms include: damage, injury, anguish, impact

My parents, my sister and I are going to Hawaii in August and Cile, the master travel planner that she is, has been helping me plan out an itinerary for our 4 days in paradise. Since it's their first time in Hawaii, I thought taking them around O'ahu would be a great start. This will be my third trip to this island, but please, no complaints here.

Anyhow, yesterday, Cile emailed me:

"here's where you are in hawaii. on the top right. you're like right next to our tiki grill restaurant and the beach area where the kiddos almost drowned."

Hahaha! On our 3rd or 4th day in Hawaii back in 2004, some of us decided to spend the evening at the beach. I didn't feel much like swimming so I sat on the shore while everyone waded in a little lagoon. "This should be safe," everyone figured, because they were protected by the barrier that surrounded them. But as they approached the wall closest to the rest of the ocean, the current got stronger and without realizing it, the lagoon floor got lower and lower. Next thing you know, Rochelle got sucked through this opening in the lagoon and the current shot her through into the ocean. Meanwhile, all the non-swimmers were fighting to stay afloat, with the swimmers working hard trying to keep themselves and their friends from drowning. People were panicking, Rochelle wondered how the hell she'd get back, then an angel appeared in the form of a young man standing on the wall. He saw Rochelle struggling in the water and LITERALLY pulled her up. The current subsided and everyone was safe. What was I doing in the meantime?...Ummmm.....writing in my journal? OPS!....GLAD YOU'RE ALL SAFE, GUYS!!!


Unknown said...


ANNA said...

hahahahaha!! oh you loved every minute of trying to decide who to leave and who to rescue. hahaha!