Tuesday, May 15, 2007

breakdown [breyk-doun]
a breaking down, wearing out, or sudden loss of ability to function efficiently, as of a machine; a loss of mental or physical health; collapse
Synonyms include: crackup, disintegrate, burnout, exhaustion

There are days when I feel invincible, when absolutely nothing and no one can break me; when no traffic jam can keep me from the contentment of singing in the car, when no idiot driver can cause the road rage to make an appearance on the 101, when no tension between loved ones can drive any hope of resolve from my optimism. There are days that make so much sense that I wonder how I could ever be confused; when no computer snafu could boggle my limited knowledge of technology, when no freezing ipod nano screens could ruin the 8-hours that lie ahead, when light bulb moments fill my days with comprehension beyond belief. There are days when every prayer, even the ones you don’t remember saying, is answered; when once-hopeless situations become full of promise, when doubt is cast aside by genuine love, when heartache is comforted and strengthened by the words of a caring loved one…

Then there are days like today, when you feel so trapped and so annoyed with life (despite circumstances that tell you otherwise) that all you can do is turn up the volume on the radio, step on the gas like a suicidal maniac and scream in the car on the way to work, when the only good things you see in the near future are happening to other people, when you can’t stand yourself because you know better than to feel and act this way.

I do know better, and I have faith that tells me this feeling won’t last for long. As “together” as I often aspire to be, sometimes I have to lose it once in a while to remind myself that “together” is a relative term (as is “sanity”) used by people who cling on to a hope that they’re not as crazy as everyone else around them. In the end, you realize that breakdowns happen so you can find the will to put it all back together. Holy shit...the irony.

Let Go
By: Frou Frou

Drink up baby down
Are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
'Cause it's all going off without you
Excuse me too busy you're writing a tragedy
These mess-ups
You bubble-wrap
When you've no idea what you're like

So, let go
Jump in
Oh well, what you waiting for?
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown
So, let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here
It's all right
'Cause there's beauty in the breakdown

It gains the more it gives
And then advances with the form
So, honey, back for more
Can't you see that all the stuff's essential?
Such boundless pleasure
We've no time for later
Now you can wait
You roll your eyes
We've twenty seconds to comply

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