Sunday, April 15, 2007

chronic [kron-ik]
constant; habitual; inveterate; continuing a long time or recurring frequently
Synonyms include: constant, continual, re-curring

So, the pain is back. My right ankle started hurting again last week, and it was swollen a noticeable bit. Walking became an uncomfortable task, getting up and down stairs felt worse, and driving to and from work - whack as hell. I can't remember hurting myself in the last few weeks, although I have been going to the gym again lately. Goodness knows what THAT can do. I guess I'm supposed to wear a brace even when it DOESN'T hurt? Right. Good suggestion, Rochelle! I'm dumb.

The last time this happened, I had some x-rays done right, before we left for Europe. Knowing how much walking we'd be doing, I feared I'd be a weary traveler if I didn't get it checked and remedied. Fortunately, my doctor found nothing wrong (no sprain, fracture, etc. She said if I had any of that, I wouldn't even be able to stand) and prescribed some awesome meds that put everything back to normal, just in time for me to prance all over Switzerland and Italy for 2 weeks.

But it's back, and after much research (and Riann's suggestion that I might just have a weak ankle..."You have weak ankles." - Sparky Pilastri on Bring It On ), I found that I might have what's called "Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain," which is described by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons as a "recurring or persistent (chronic) pain on the outer (lateral) side of the ankle" which apparently often develops after an injury such as a sprained ankle. All the symptoms listed are familiar, but I can't remember the last time I really sprained my ankle.

The FIRST time I hurt it was in the 8th grade. We were practicing tinikling, which we were going to perform at school, and I slipped on one of the bamboo sticks and IT HURT LIKE WOW. I remember Iya was my temporary replacement and she was like, "please get better!! I don't wanna dance!!!" hahaha! But that was like 15 years ago (waaaaaaa!!). Hmmm, oh well, this prevacid/naproxyn combo pack is doing wonders, as is the salonpas. hahahaha! Hope it heals before NYC...I can't wait!

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